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Samsung External SSD drives

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External portable SSD drives | Sale now on

External portable SSD drives Benefits of portable SSD drives includes: Reliability - with no moving parts, SSD drives are more reliable than standard drives Cool running - SSD drives run at a fraction of the heat of standard drives, increasing reliability Speed - SSD drives are fast and don't ever need to be de-fragmented, it runs at full ....more..

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External portable SSD drives | Sale now on

External portable SSD drives

Benefits of portable SSD drives includes:

  • Reliability - with no moving parts, SSD drives are more reliable than standard drives
  • Cool running - SSD drives run at a fraction of the heat of standard drives, increasing reliability
  • Speed - SSD drives are fast and don't ever need to be de-fragmented, it runs at full speed - all the time, every time. SATA SSD drive transfer speeds may be rated up to a maximum of 550 MB/s
  • Light weight - SSD drives are very light
  • Eco friendly low power drives - SSD drives are very low power devices
  • USB3.x speed benefits 
    • USB3.x is fully USB2.0 compatible
    • USB3.x ports are are not the bottlenecks in the transfer speed and users will achieve the maximum transfer speeds and performance from these drives* (SATA SSD drives has a rated max transfer speed of 550MB/s)
    • USB3.0 offers up to 10 times the speed of USB2.0 at 5GBps
    • USB 3.1 doubles the transfer speed of 3.0 to 10 Gbps
    • USB 3.2 doubles the transfer speed of 3.1 to 20 GBps
*Transfer speed note: 4.8 Gbit/s (Gigabits / second) = 600 MB/s (MegaBytes/ second). This is the maximum transfer speed possible from the SATA3 standard. Third-generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 6.0 Gbit/s; taking 8b/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 4.8 Gbit/s (600 MB/s)


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